There is no set in stone algorithm of starting homeschooling. But If I have to do it again I personally would do it this way.
1. Check legal requirements in your area.In Ontario there is only a recommendation (and courtesy) for students 6+yo to submit a Letter of Intent to notify your local school board.No supervision, but also no any form of support from the government.
2. Determine your WHYs. You will have to navigate an overwhelming amount of information and (maybe) social pressure so I would highly recommend to tune out anything that does not meet your criteria to prevent a burnout at this stage. Here are – OUR reasons for homeschooling.
3. Deschool and learn about your child learning style, different homeschooling approaches and find your village. Get a library card. And Amazon Prime
4. Think what do YOU need to fill your cup to make this new lifestyle sustainable – outsource some subjects? hire a cleaning help? go for a walk by yourself every day?
5. Write down ALL skills and subjects you would like to teach your child. Then pick those you would like to teach THIS year. Then pick only 3-5 PRIORITIES for this year.
6. Determine your screen time limitations if any.
7. Determine your budget. I would recommend starting with free and budget-friendly options as you’re still not quite sure how everything will work out and what type of materials will work for you in real life. I have seen learning to read resources from $30 till $130+. The one for $30 worked beautifully for us. And I personally prefer to spend more money for extra classes and trips rather than stuff.
8. Based on #1-#7 start looking for curriculum, supplies etc. Do placement tests that are usually free before buying curriculum. Check your local buy & sell groups for other educational materials.
9. Enjoy your new adventure!
— Image by Oto Zapletal from Pixabay —